Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Mother of the year

3:00 pm. Mommy installs a kickstand on Child's bike, which is newly liberated from its training wheels. Best mommy ever!  Victorious biking commences.

3:15 It begins to rain.

3:20  Child asks for the password to the tablet.  Mommy declines to provide it.  Worst mommy ever.

3:20  Child informs Mommy that refusal to divulge said password will result in the withholding of the cuddles and the hugs . . . FOREVER!!!!  Mommy informs Child that the tablet decision has not been overturned.

3:22  Child pretends to fall down the stairs.  Wailing commences.  Mommy arrives, only to be told that hugs are forbidden.  Mommy shrugs and walks away.

3:23  Wailing continues.

3:24 Child informs Mommy that the only way to regain the cuddle privileges is for Mommy to slide down the stairs on her butt.  With no pants on.  Mommy declines.

3:25 Wailing recommences.  On account of Mommy refusing to strip for a slide down the stairs.

3:30  Wailing continues.  Child claims to have rug burn on his face.  Mommy advises that he discontinue rubbing his face on the carpet.

3:45  Child invites Mommy to play with Play Doh.  Mommy accepts and begins playing.  Child steps out of the room, only to return a moment later.  Completely naked.  Mommy shrugs.

And scene.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Book Launch: Reflections by John Fioravanti

It's so easy to get lost during the holidays.  We get spun up over the shopping, the parties, the travel, the family conflicts.  We become overwhelmed.  We lose sight of what is really important.

My fellow author and Rave Reviews Book Club member, John Fioravanti, is coming to your rescue.  Tomorrow he releases his second book of nonfiction, Reflections.  He provides his thoughts and interpretations of fifty quotations, both historical and contemporary.  It's been my pleasure to work with him to create launch graphics for this book, and I'm excited to see his latest endeavor come to fruition.

John is a tremendously thoughtful and creative individual, the published author of two science fictions novels as well as a memoir about his teaching career.  I'm excited to see how he draws out meaning in this new work, and how he will inspire us all to do the same.

As we head into the holiday whirlwind, I suggest you grab yourself a copy of Reflections, to serve as a calm in the storm . . .  or perhaps as a bunker, depending on your family circumstances.  Happy reading!